NUESTRA VISION: HONRAR A DIOS  |  Our Mission: To Honor God

Somos una iglesia que se ha propuesto desde un principio Honrar a Dios con todo nuestro ser, predicando a Jesús  a través de toda la Biblia.

Por la gracia  de Dios el Padre se nos ha revelado, cuánto debemos anhelar la guía del Espíritu Santo, inspirador y revelador de las Escrituras, por medio de quien, y solamente por Él, podemos conocer, predicar y presentar, a Jesús como Nuestro Señor y Salvador, y a Su sacrificio en la Cruz del Calvario. 

Es por medio de Él y solamente Él,  que  nos podemos gozar en la Alabanza y deleitarnos  Adorando a Dios, porque es Él, quien se la provee para Sí Mismo.

Sabemos, porque así lo dice La Escritura, que Dios es el Mismo de ayer, hoy y siempre, DIOS NO CAMBIA, Su mensaje no cambia, y es nuestro clamor delante de Él que guarde nuestros corazones, y nos de la sabiduría para dejar que solamente  Él, hable a su iglesia.


We are a church who has set out from its beginnings to Honor God with all of our being, preaching Jesus throughout the whole Bible. 


By the grace of God the Father it has been revealed to us how we need to desire the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the one who inspired and reveals the Scriptures. It is through Him and only Him that we can know, preach, and present Jesus as our Lord and Savior and His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. 


It is by Him and only Him that we can rejoice in praise and delight in worshipping our God because it is He who provides it unto Himself.


We know this because this is what Scripture says, that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, GOD DOES NOT CHANGE. His message does not change, and our cry before Him is that He would guard our hearts. That He would give us wisdom to let Him and only Him speak to His church.